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Prayer Lesson 2
Posted on Thu, Aug 7, 2008
Homework Questions
1) How did Brother Hagin say they saw a miracle? -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2) You are sure to see yourself with the thing you ask for how? ---------------------------------------------------------
3) What did Andrew Murray say about asking? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4) How did I say we can discover great victory in our prayer life? -------------------------------------------------------
5) What were the four steps we reviewed from the past lesson? -------------------------------------------------------
6) What were the next three steps? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7) What do the words be careful for nothing mean? ------------------------------------------------------------------------
8) How do people undo their prayers? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9) What were we told to eradicate when it comes to faith? ---------------------------------------------------------------
10) How long had the growth been gone from Pat before Bro. Hagin noticed it? ----------------------------------
11) What did he say happened that caused him not to notice? ---------------------------------------------------------
12) What were we told to think on? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
!3) If we are going to pray for something again that hasn't materialized how are we to pray? ------------------
14) What places were we told to stay away from? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
15) What will cause us to have a solid foundation? ------------------------------------------------------------------------
16) The only way God works is through his word. ----- -----
17)He has magnifief his name above his word. ----- -----
18) We have to see ourselves with the answer. ----- -----
19) Was the memory text John 15:7 ----- -----
20) let every thought and desire affirm that ----- -----
you have what you ask.
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