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Lesson 10


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Lesson 10

Posted on Sun, Nov 16, 2008


1) What seems to be the only kind of prayer we know anything about? --------------------------------


2) When our hearts are full of love and praise and yielded to the Lord what can happen? -----------


3) Today when Christians gather for a church service what do we usually do? -----------------------


4) What happened as they ministered to the Lord and fasted? -------------------------------------------


5) In the midst of what atmosphere did the child’s convulsions stop? ----------------------------------


6)We need to take time to wait on God and -----------------------------------------------------------------


7) What causes us to miss out on many blessings? --------------------------------------------------------


8) What are the two ways we were taught we need to minister to the Lord? ---------------------------


9) If we are not to go to church necessarily to minister to the Lord why do we go? ------------------


10) What does God want from us? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


11) What is the central truth? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------


12) What is the true prayer of worship? ---------------------------------------------------------------------


13) Our prayers are primarily what kind of prayers? -------------------------------------------------------


14) God made man so he would have ------------------------------------------------------------------------


15) Who were Paul and Barnabas sent forth by? -----------------------------------------------------------


16) If we have a time of waiting in prayer it usually consist of petitioning prayer T---- F----

17) Bro Hagin said he found people didn’t want to wait on God T---- F----

18) Even when we sing special solo numbers we are not ministering to the Lord we are ministering to one another. T---- F----


   Discussion: Lesson 10

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