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Homework Assignment for Bible Study

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Homework Assignment for Bible Study

Posted on Tue, May 13, 2008

Things to remember

Lessson 6 These are things you need to remember.

1.  Memory Text. Romans 10:10 Memorize this passage
2. Bible Texts 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Romans 12:1,2; Luke 16:19-25 Just remember what these are
3. Central Truth: Man is a spirit; He has a soul; and He lives in a body.
4. When God speaks of man's heart what is he speaking of ?
5. Our minds are renewed how?
6. What did the lesson say was the Hebrew word for Spirit ?
7. What does this word mean.
8. God is only revealed to man Through --------

These answers can be found in lesson 6 What it means to believe with the heart.
   Discussion: Homework Assignment for Bible Study

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