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CFC Bowling Night
Posted on Mon, May 17, 2010
Monthly time of fellowship
Join us for a night of fellowship at Thunder Alley Bowling Center on highway 46S. The time is 6:00 to 9:00pm If possible try to be there at around 5:45 pm so that we can get you assigned to your lane. After a certain time the lanes that are reserved we will have to give up if we are not using them so we ask for you to be as prompt as possible thanks and we hope to see you there.
Pastor Manning
What a wonderful turnout tonight! We were so blessed to be together as a family. Thanks to all who participated. Congrats to Pastor with a 173 score. Not sure how much practice he has been getting in????? Keep us in mind for the next event next month. Details to follow.
That was really a wonderful turnout. Pastor and I were battling it out when Brother Gordon just whipped right in and whipped our tails both! It was really fun, though. Good job, Pastor, but I'll get you this month. :D
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