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Prophecies by Kenneth E Hagin (1989 and 2002)

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Prophecies by Kenneth E Hagin (1989 and 2002)

Posted on Mon, Aug 10, 2009

Wait on the Lord

Kenneth Hagin gave the following word back in 1989, but it still applies today:
Don't draw back, don't draw back, don't draw back, don't draw back! The time in near, the time is at hand. No longer can you wait; no longer can you procrastinate. No longer can you say, "yea, in another day I'll consecrate. In a later day, I will wait on the Lord more. In another day, I will spend more time with Him. In another day, I will put my flesh under."

No longer, no longer. Don't draw back and don't pull back. The Spirit of the Lord pleads with you. Come forward, more forward. Answer the call you hear in your heart. Respond unto the Spirit of God. It is not bad, it is good. It is not bad, it is good.

The price that would be paid in the flesh is nothing compared to the glory which shall be revealed. It is not bad. Do not dread it. Do not draw back from it. It is a lie. It's a deception that has held you back. It's a lie. It's a deception that has caused you to draw back. Go on in. Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Oh the treasures of the things He has laid up for you. The things that your heart is hungry for. Nothing else will satisfy your soul. Nothing else will give you the answer in your heart. Nothing else will make you feel complete. Nothing else will satisfy what you seek. Nothing else! Nothing else! Nothing! Nothing!

Oh, push in. Respond unto the Spirit of God. Just lay those other things aside. Lay those things aside. Humble the pride and fall before Him and wait upon Him. And as you do, your soul will blossom. Your spirit will spring forth. Yea, you will be a greater blessing unto your spouse. You'll be a greater blessing unto your family because you will bloom forth. And you won't be restricted like before. And you won't be vexed like before. And you won't be hindered like before.

Yea, you've done some things for them. You've drawn back and you said it was for them. But you have not been a blessing to them in that the full blessing of the Lord was not upon thee. But if you shall press in though, it might seem to cost that price in the beginning, it might seem like it costs you. It might seem like it costs them.

Yea, but that's the only way to get to the things that they desire and the things that you desire and the things that are needed. Yea, the things that must be in this hour, it cannot be delayed. It cannot be delayed. It cannot be delayed. It must be now. Now, now is the time. Now is the time! Now is the time.

So heed the call of the Spirit's cry in your heart. Don't say, "I'll do it by and by." But the time is now. Do not dread or fear. It is good. Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Don't think it's too high a price. It's nothing in comparison to the light and the glory that shall be revealed. Draw nigh unto Him. He shall draw nigh unto thee. Seek His face. He shall reveal Himself unto thee even in a greater way. And you shall rise up and you shall be enabled to be a far greater blessing. And your later end shall exceed and it shall overflow and it shall be abundant in blessing and glory and grace.

And the evil one that thought you to deter and thought to lie to you and keep you from it, you shall look at him and you shall say, "Ha ha ha! Your plan did not work, ha ha ha! It did not succeed, ha ha ha! I did not believe it, ha ha ha! I obeyed, ha ha ha! I ran my course, ha ha ha! I finished my job, ha ha ha!"

And those things that once held you, those things that for years, years, years deceived you and held you out; you shall look at them in triumph. You shall look at them from that higher place. And they shall seem nothing to thee.

They shall seem small and despised in your eyes. You shall look upon them in dismay and you shall say, "Ha ha ha!" You shall see far, ha ha ha, and you shall know well, and you shall move sure, and shaken shall be hell. And their power shall be confused for His authority you've used. And that which they greatly feared shall have happened.

For they feared, they feared that the revelation of truth would come into the earth. They feared that it would come through the heavenly host that would withstand it. They feared that someone would stand. They feared that someone would seek.

They feared that someone would penetrate. Because when the revelation comes, the truth doth set the captives free. And that which they have greatly feared, it shall even come to pass. It'll come to pass. It'll come to pass. It'll come to pass. It shall come to pass. It shall come to pass.

God shall reveal His truth unto His people. Yea, we've rejoiced in the light. And we've seen a little bit. And we moved, but oh, there's so much more. There's so much more. There's so much more.

And the enemy would have us just revel in what we see and what we know and not push and penetrate to hold fast to receive more. But it shall not be for a glimpse we do see. And we shall not be satisfied until the truth in our hearts abides.

We shall not draw back and we shall not fear until we have it all that God would give year by year. Increasing glory to glory, light to light. Not doing it in the flesh but by the good faith fight.

And His plan shall be accomplished and His ways shall be straight. And then it shall be ready. He shall come. He'll not be late. And His people shall have done His bidding and His people shall have heard His voice. And His Spirit shall have reaped the harvest through the church and His people shall rejoice.

He calleth thee higher. He calleth thee higher. Continue to look down on lowly things on the ground but look up and see what He has reserved for thee. And by faith, let your heart reach out and grasp and let His spirit lift you up.

Then at last you shall see what your eyes have longed to see. You shall sense what your heart has craved and hungered to sense. You shall know what your mind has hungered to know. You shall do what you were created to do.
God is telling His people to get ready for the end time harvest and the second coming of Jesus Christ is near.
Read the following portion of prophecy given through Kenneth Hagin on May 27, 2002:

He's getting us ready. He's doing His best to get us ready. Getting us ready for the days ahead, awesome days, awesome times, in the world perilous times, in the world fearful times.

But in the realm of the Spirit, in the kingdom of God, awesome times! And the kingdom shall be enhanced and the kingdom shall be enlarged. And many will rise up in that day and call you blessed, because you were the light that shined in the darkness and they responded to the light and are walking in the light.

So what remains for us but praise! What remains for us but giving glory to His name! What remains for us but to thank Him every day the same, and walk in the Spirit. Be yielded to the Spirit. And know that you are connected to the Spirit. And He'll guide you into all truth and He'll show you things to come.

Give heed unto, give heed unto, give heed unto that which is said. Listen, not only with the ears of your flesh, but listen with the ears of your spirit what He's saying to you and the revelation He's bringing to you. Life will be different. Life will be victorious.

   Discussion: Prophecies by Kenneth E Hagin (1989 and 2002)

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